Report of Captain James E. Greer, 11th Kansas Cavalry - May 23, 1865
Sir, I have the honor to report that on the 20th instant at 11 am I received a telegram from the operator at Three Crossings station reporting that the Indians, in strong force, had invested, and that they were at the moment firing on the station, and that the garrison was very short on ammunition and could not hold on long. Ten minutes after receipt of this report the line went down. At 12 o'clock, with Lieu. S. Bodwell and 85 men, I started for the scene of action 40 miles distant. At split rock I found the telegraph lines down, fifty feet gone. Reached Three Crossings Station at 8 pm and found that the Indians had done no injury further than stealing one horse from the station. They withdrew and crossed the Sweetwater River at 4 pm and immediately left the vacinity. My command rested til daylight the 21st when with 20 men I crossed the river and followed the trail 15 miles across an extensive plain, satisfied myself from their movements - first, by their withdrawing from the station at so early an hour and apparent hurried manner, as reported by the garrison, and having not camped the ensuing night- that they had information of my pursuit. I saw none but estimated them at 200.
Jas E. Greer
Capt. Commanding