John Hanford Bodwell (1846-1932)
Son of: Henry 1805
John was a hatter in Norwalk,
Ct. His shops were near the Main
Street of the city.
Painting by Arthur Van Zile Bodwell
Jun 1846
12 Feb 1932
21 May 1867
Adelia Ann Graves
Newark, Nj
Norwalk, Ct
Rochester, Ny
b. 13 Dec 1839 in Bergen,
4 Jun 1884
Elizabeth Van Zile
b. 3 Nov 1855
2 Dec 1896
Myrtle Rogers
Norwalk, Ct
b. Apr 1867
Children of John and Adelia (Grimes) Bodwell
Birth Date
Birth Place
Death Date
Death Place
Sarah Edwina
6 Sep 1869
South Norwalk, Ct.
17 Apr 1943
25 Oct 1871
Rochester, Ny
Norwalk, Ct.
Henry Wilfred
6 Apr 1874
Rochester, Ny
Sarah Edwina never married. She worked for
39 years as a bookkeeper for Lockwood Manufacturing Co.
Children of John and Elizabeth (Zile) Bodwell
Birth Date
Birth Place
Death Date
Death Place
John Hanford, Jr.
Jun 1886
5 Mar 1959
Stamford, Ct.
Arthur Van Zile
29 May 1890
8 Oct 1940
Stamford, Ct.
Child of John and Myrtle (Rogers)
Birth Date
Birth Place
Death Date
Death Place
Edith B.
May 1898
Danbury, Ct.
Adele Bodwell Sturdevant (Left). Photo
Arthur Van Zile Bodwell and John H. Bodwell, Jr.
Information, photo and paintings supplied
by Sarah V. Dunlap, daughter of Agnes Marjorie Bodwell Dunlap. Paintings by
Arthur Van Zile Bodwell
02/08/97 03/01/99
Re: Arthur Van Zile Bodwell: The following information was
provided by Bill Heller, Stamford,
Ct: Hi there! Although the computer belongs to my wife, I frequently use it. As
my daughter Carol has indicated, I am the last surviving member of my family. I
had three older sisters, all of whom have passed away, and unfortunately, they
would have been able to provide much more information about Mr. Bodwell, not to
mention my parents. Basically, what I recall about Mr. Bodwell is that he truly
was your "undiscovered famous artist." My impresion of him was that
he was a loner, who preferred to live alone and paint. Looking back, I think
that my father happened to see some of his paintings at his studio which at the
time, I think, was located just off Long Ridge Rd, at the intersection of
Roxbury Rd, the original building having been torn down years ago, to be replace
by a traffic circle. As I recall, my Dad was quite taken with Mr. Bodwell, and,
after having purchased one of his paintings, became a friend, and sort of
patron. All of this happened during the Great Depression, when people in
general had very little money, and I'm sure, artists even less. I know that my
Dad was in the habit of bartering for various items that he sold in his
business, and perhaps that's where the food for paintings story originated. I
do know that there was a relationship that he had with Mr. Bodwell because, as
I recall, my parents came to own perhaps a half-dozen paintings. The paintings
were all of landscapes in and around Stamford.
Fields and streams, woods, etc. Some were Autumn, some were Winter; all were
beautifully done, oils with quite a bit of detail. Please remember that I was
quite young at that time, and probably not too interested in Art! As to the
location of the paintings, other than the one that Carol has, I can only guess.
The family scattered and disintegrated, and items were passed from my mother to
her favorite daughter, Hannah, who, I guess, passed them onto her two sons. One
son lived in Baltimore, and he died
quite young. I never asked whether he had any Bodwell paintings, or whether his
widow still has them, or whether they were sold, etc. The other son lives in Coppell,
TX, and perhaps I can get in touch with him
to see whether he has any paintings. As you can guess, it was really not what
you would call a tight-knit family!!!! So, that's about all I can tell you
about Mr. Bodwell. I think I might have seen him once or twice. I do know that
my Dad really liked him, and that had my Dad lived longer,{he died in 1950 at
the age of 55 after having suffered a stroke in 1947that left him in bad
shape], things might have turned out differently. The last time I saw any of
the paintings, other than the one Carol has, was back in the 70's when my
mother had a few in her house. Sorry I can't be of any more help, but, as I
mentioned, I was just a kid when all of this happened. Hope this adds to your
information, Bill Heller
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