from: The Ingersoll Weekly Cronical, May 25th, 1916
In the official report on last week's operations at the front, received at Ottawa, reference is made to the conspicuous bravery of Major H. L. Bodwell, of Ingersoll. It is as follows:
Deeds of gallantry in connection with recent fighting continue to come to light. Major H. L. Bodwell, of Ingersoll, Ont., second in command of a pioneer battalion, was in the trenches opposite St. Eloi with a working party. A corporal of another battalion informed him that an attack was impending, and having ordered the men near him to take shelter, Major Bodwell followed the non-commissioned officer towards one of the craters in order to warn another squad who where at work there. While on the way the explosion of a shell severely injured the coporal, blinded another mand and wounded the major in the leg, shoulder, and head.
Undeterred by his injuries, Major Bodwell took a dispatch from the corporal and delivered it to the officer in command of the craters. He then returned to the two wounded men and himself carried on of them to the dressing station.