Augustus Bodwell (1901-1974)

Son of: Anson 1871

Augustus Bodwell was born in New Haven, CT. August 2, 1901 and moved with his parents to Washington, DC in late 1901. In 1902 he took up residence at 2418 North Capital Street NW where he lived with his parents until just before his death. Augustus experimented with radios in the 1920's and installed the first permanent radio transmitter in the Nation's Capitol in 1924 to transmit Presidential speeches to the country. He received an appointment to the Washington Police Department in 1932 and served as a Police officer and Radio Technician / Dispatcher until he was placed on Medical retirement in 1941. In 1937 he received the Silver Medal of Valor for Bravery from the Police Dept. In the late 1940's he experimented with motion picture equipment and made several trips to the mid-west to film Hopi Indians and Western scenery. He taught himself metal machine work and built several devices for camera control. He is buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Washington, DC. (Henry Niles Hassell, Amelia, Virginia)

2 Aug 190113 Jan 1974
New Haven, CtWashington, D. C.


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